
:metal: Iā€™m Neil. Software engineer and sometimes writer of my thoughts on things I find interesting.

Some facts:

  • Did almost every role as Healthtech-1ā€™s founding engineer. Made a small dent in the overworked healthcare system in England by writing software to register over 1 million patients at 1,000+ NHS GP surgeries over 2 and a half years. I spent a lot of time on fullstack engineering, built a few algorithms, database management, hiring, cyber security, and the rest.
  • Started a mini deliveroo in my local town during Covid using Shopify, Facebook ads and a lot of cold calling.
  • Reminiscences of a Stock Operator made me decide to become a derivatives trader. Did it for 4 years and then left to write software full time.
  • Occasionally enjoy writing articles related to trading or fitness.
  • :mortar_board: Got a degree in Maths at the University of Warwick ages ago, and used to know about approximating integrals using Markov Chain Monte Carlo.